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Fremont Safe and Smart Corridor

The Fremont Boulevard Safe and Smart Corridor is the City’s bold vision to creatively use technology to move traffic efficiently along the corridor at a safe speed, ensure safe pedestrian and bicycle movement, enhance transit service, and improve management of the traffic signal and lighting systems. The 9-mile section of Fremont Boulevard, between Paseo Padre Parkway and Cushing Parkway, would serve as a nationally significant demonstration of current traffic safety technologies and a test bed for new innovation opportunities.

Project News

Project Concept Report Released

The Concept Report for the Fremont Boulevard Smart and Safe Corridor project has been released and is available under “Documents” on the project’s website. The

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Future Events

Mobility Commission Presentation
Spring 2021 (tentative)
The project team will provide an overview of the project’s design to the Mobility Commission.

Fremont Chamber of Commerce Presentation
Fall 2021 (tentative)
The project team will provide an overview of the completed project to the Fremont Chamber of Commerce.

Fremont Boulevard Tour
Fall 2021
A tour will take place along the 10-mile route of Fremont Boulevard. Depending on the COVID-19 situation at the time of project construction completion, the tour will either be virtual or by double-decker bus. The tour will stop along the route to highlight areas of concern and potential areas of smart technology deployment.

Past Events

Prospect Silicon Valley, ACES Networking Event – Enabling Technology for Safe Roadways
October 16, 2019
Mountain View Community Center
The City of Fremont Public Works Department presented and participated in a panel to discuss the Fremont Safe and Smart Boulevard project and how vehicle-based and infrastructure-based sensors and software are increasing roadway safety by detecting road users and responding appropriately.

Intelligent Transportation Society CA Annual Conference Presentation
September 9-11, 2019
Los Angeles, CA
The City of Fremont presented a technical session about the project at the ITS CA Annual Conference, which provides a forum for transportation specialists in government, industry, and academic organizations from the transportation technology industry.

Festival of the Arts
August 3-4, 2019
Downtown Fremont
The City of Fremont showcased potential high priority concepts for the Fremont Boulevard Smart and Safe Corridor project and answered questions about the project during the popular two-day event.

Project Information Meeting
6:00 pm, July 18, 2019
Centerville Community Center (Centerville Room), 3355 Country Dr, Fremont
The City of Fremont Public Works Department held a project information meeting to help residents, businesses, and other stakeholders learn more about the Fremont Boulevard Smart and Safe Corridor project and its potential safety and technology improvements.

Institute of Transportation Engineers Western District Annual Meeting Presentation
June 26, 2019
Monterey, CA
The City of Fremont Public Works Department presented the project at the ITE Western District Annual Meeting, which focused on “Harbouring the Future of Transportation.”

Project Stakeholder Meeting
March 15, 2019
City of Fremont offices
The project team provided an overview of the project, discussed outreach, described existing conditions, and presented on preliminary concepts to stakeholders of the project.

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